Monograph or composite thesis
There are two types of doctoral theses:
A monograph is similar to a Master’s Thesis concerning the structure, i.e. a coherent text divided into chapters. For the layout of a monograph theses at Hanken, you should follow the instructions given in the Formatting guide, see the sections Formatting – The basics and Advanced skills. Please note that there are separate instructions for the title page, see below.
A composite thesis consists of several parts, starting with a summarizing part called the kappa, and in addition usually 3-5 articles.
A compilation thesis consists of several parts, starting with introductory chapters, also called the kappa (literally “coat”) , and in addition usually 3-5 articles.
The introductory chapters /summarizing part/ (the kappa) should be edited according to the Hanken style, i.e. the instructions in the Formatting guide must be followed. It is the responsibility of the doctoral student to check that the formatting is correct after the page brea´k.
The articles can be added to the thesis either as Word-files or pdf-files.
The articles in Word-format (unpublished manuscripts) can be be edited according to the Hanken style, or according to the layout of a possible target journal, that the author has submitted the article to, or intends to submit the article to.
An article that already has been published in a journal, can be included in the thesis as a pdf-file having the layout of the journal (publisher’s version), provided that there is a permission for this given by the journal. If there is not a permission to use the publisher’s version, the article can be included as a Word-file, having the layout of the manuscript before the copy-editing of the journal (i.e. the post print version, also called the AAM version = Author Accepted manuscript).
Figures and tables in the articles are numbered separately in each article, and not using a running numbering across the thesis as a whole. The articles may also include appendixes.
Page format
Page size A4 is used both in the monograph theses and in the “kappa” of the composite theses.
Unpublished articles in Word format should have page format A4, in order facilitate the printing of the theses. Pdf-files that are lay outed by journals often have different page formats, and must be rescaled by the printing house to fit the A4 format.
The doctoral theses are printed in smaller format than A4. The size is reduced at the the printing house, and you should not resize the manuscript yourself to fit the print format.
The margins should be 3 cm (top, bottom, right, left) in a monograph thesis and in the kappa of a composite thesis.
Line spacing
The line spacing can be set to 1-1,5 in a monograph thesis and in the kappa of a composite thesis.
When starting to write in a Word-document (Word 2016), the line spacing is automatically set to 1,08. You may use this spacing, or you can set the line spacing to 1,15, which will give the text a more airy look.
Tables and figures
Try to design your tables and figures to make them easy to read, taking into account that the doctoral thesis is printed in a smaller size than your original A4 document.
A table that is not easily fitted into a A4 Portrait size, can be turned into a horizontal Landscape format. In this case remember to add section breaks before and after the table.
Title page
The doctoral thesis has a separate title page and the template can be downloaded below.
The doctoral thesis has a preface/acknowledgement instead of an abstract. The preface is placed immediately after the title page. The heading of the preface should use Georgia 15 Bold, and text of the preface should have Georgia 11. After the preface text there should be a page break. The preface and the table of content and table of figures are part of the same section which has roman numerals for page numbering.
Preface | Georgia 13 | Bold |

The structure of the doctoral thesis
The doctoral thesis has the following structure:
- First section (no page numbering)
- Title page (front and back of page). Download above.
- Second section (page numbers in Roman numerals)
- Set the page size to A4 and the margins to 3 cm (top, bottom, right, left)
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- Table of Figures
- Third section which includes the academic text + references and appendices (regular page numbering)
- Body text (your thesis as a whole, if it is a monograph, and the kappa if it is a composite thesis)
- Headlines
- References (Hanken’s reference guide, Swedish only, and Search and Cite)
- Appendices