Some digital material lacks page numbers. This could be because the material is published in another format than PDF. In some cases the pagination you see can be generated by what devise you are using or by the screen size. Don’t use this kind of page numbers in your reference. In these cases use the chapter title or the number of the paragraph you are citing in your in-text reference.
Use chapter titles
Replace the page number in your in-text citation with he chapter or subchapter title in your in-text citation. If the chapter title is too long. add only the beginning of the title to make your text more readable.
Ethical considerations should begin as soon as you choose your research topic (Kara, 2018, Choosing a research question).
Paragraph number
Replace the page number with the number of the paragraph you are citing to specify from where the information you are citing emanates. Count the paragraphs yourself.
Digitalisation and remote working increase employees’ responsibility for their own well-being at work (Huovinen, 2020, para.7)
You can also combine both chapter title and paragraph number in your in-text citation, especially if the chapter is long or if this enables the reader to find your source more easily.
Ethical considerations should begin as soon as you choose your research topic (Kara, 2018, Choosing a research question, para. 3).