Presentations and other material from recorded lectures published in learning platforms such as Moodle are a type of unpublished material. In the citation, information about the type of document (e.g. Powerpoint-presentation, Word-document) is placed after the title. The name of the course or lecture should also be added. Remember that availability for the reader can be problematic as learning platforms usually are closed environments.
If the material in the learning platform consists of articles or parts of books, cite the according to the rules of that type of material.
If you cite a lecture you have attended, see oral sources.
Reference list
Author, Initial (Year). Title of presentation. [type of document]. Course title. University. Date and place of presentation. Available from: name of platform or URL. Accessed date.
Holmlund, S. & Dellringer, S. (2019). Referencing & document templates. [PowerPoint-presentation] Introduction to academic studies. Hanken School of Economics. Vaasa 15.11.2019. Available from: Moodle. Accessed 30 September 2020.
In-text citation
Plagiarism is to… (Holmlund & Dellringer 2019).