Signed article in an encyclopaedia
When citing a signed encyclopaedia article the author is the main entry followed by year of publication, article title and encyclopaedia title. The encyclopaedia title is italicized. When citing an online encyclopaedia add the URL and date of access.
Reference list
Author, Initial (Year). Entry word. Encyclopaedia title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Simmering, M.J. (2006). Body language. M. M. Helms (Eds.) Encyclopedia of management. 5 uppl. Detroit: Gale, p. 40−43.
Lee, A.C. and Lee, C.-F. eds. (2015). Assets Requirements. In Encyclopedia of Finance, New York, NY: Springer.
In-text citation
Defining body language… (Simmering, 2006).
Assets can … (Lee & Lee 2015).
Unsigned article in an encyclopaedia
When citing an unsigned article in an encyclopaedia the encyclopaedia title is the main entry. When citing an online encyclopaedia add the year of the latest update, the URL and access date. If you use a printed encyclopaedia add year and place of publication and publisher.
Reference list
Encyclopaedia title (Year). Entry word. Available from: URL. Accessed date.
Investopedia (2021). Accounting cycle. Accessed 12 May 2021.
Lee, A.C. and Lee, C.-F. eds. (2006) Assets Requirements. Encyclopedia of Finance, New York, NY: Springer. Available from: Accessed 9 June 2021.
In-text citation
(Investopedia 2021)