Studera turism?

Är du intresserad av studier i turism? Visste du att Hanken är medlem i ett nätverk som kallas för FUNTS? FUNTS står för Finnish University Network for Tourism Studies. Så här står det om FUNTS på deras hemsida (

The Finnish University Network for Tourism Studies (FUNTS) provides a genuinely multidisciplinary approach and an innovative way of developing research and education in universities. Students of the ten member universities can study tourism studies as a minor subject. Therefore, FUNTS does not lead to the award of master level degrees on its own, but students will graduate from their own universities and receive a Bachelors/Master’s degree in their major with the orientation towards tourism studies. The emphasis is on generating shared knowledge and empowering students with multi-professional skills. The member universities of FUNTS are:

The FUNTS program is taught mainly in Finnish.

There are three courses at the intermediate level ”Special Themes on Tourism Studies” that  are taught in English.  International and Exchange students of the member universities are encouraged to enrol to these courses.

In order to apply for the program, the student must have a degree student status at one of the member universities and be present at the university.

Om det är någon som tycker att det som FUNTS har att erbjuda verkade lockande kan man läsa mera om bl.a. studierna och ansökningsprocessen på deras hemsida ( på finska eller på engelska ). Peter Björk fungerar som kontaktperson här på Hanken så till honom kan man också vända sig om det är något man undrar över.

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