Olika aspekter på dagens digitala medier

Jag hittade en intressant serie med korta artiklar och videosnuttar som tar upp olika aspekter av digitala medier. Klicka in på de åtta olika ämnen och se vilka aspekter man funderar kring under respektive rubrik.

How we use digital media is changing our lives.
”The list of positive and negative repercussions of increased digital media use is long. Are we doing enough, and more importantly, can we do more to foster the great things that come from digital media use while addressing the potential risks?”  (Cocorocchia 19.1.2016)

Is digital media good for humanitarianism?
”For example, just because I “liked” and I am following Save the Children’s Facebook page, I may be less inclined to actually sponsor a child because in a digital world I may be satisfied with my “virtual” support of causes. And in such cases, what is the actual benefit to society?” (Cocorocchia 19.1.2016)

How the digitization of work affects us all
”But is greater work-life integration actually good for us? Does blurring the boundaries of private and professional life enhance society? Perhaps this works wonders on employee and corporate performance, but the implications on family life and health leans more to the negative side, in my opinion. In fact, our tendency as humans is to never really “disconnect” from our digital productivity tools, a behaviour analogue with use of digital media for personal reasons. ” (Cocorocchia 19.1.2016)

How will digital media change our relationships?
”But many argue that their physical relationships have actually improved with digital media use. The same survey concluded that half of us believe digital media has improved our social lives.” (Cocorocchia 19.1.2016)

How to improve digital media: understand human behaviour
”Ultimately, being more aware of social and behavioural insights related to digital media use will make us better digital media professionals – and more responsible consumers.” (Cocorocchia 19.1.2016)

Can we empower digital users?
”Consumers are beginning to understand the tangible value that their digital footprints carry. So will we see an increase in user empowerment, driven by more adequate regulations and more targeted digital media offerings?” (Cocorocchia 19.1.2016)

Why brands must be creative relationship builders
”When brands seamlessly integrate content marketing with their social media strategy, they are empowered to build very effective and direct rapports with their target segments whilst influencing their segment’s influencers. These networks of relationships are generally based on trust, creativity, and a form of viral marketing that builds brand awareness and increases the value of brand identity” (Cocorocchia 19.1.2016)

Are we all media professionals now?
”The concept of defining different levels of participation in content in the form of a scale is now relevant, where simple consumption sits at the bottom, followed by sharing, shaping, funding, producing and ultimately co-owning. But this heighted level of engagement in media is not limited to just UGC . With our increasing use of digital media, we have ourselves become media channels, essentially marketing and distributing content created by industry. And as an emerging and important media channel, we are beginning to understand our value to industry, with our own rights, needs and preferences. But is industry adapting quickly enough?” (Cocorocchia 19.1.2016)

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